How to Remove Pack Rats

How to Remove Pack Rats Easily

Pack rats can be anywhere, especially common in regions such as Arizona and other desert climates. They may damage several parts of your house, property, and even cars. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to get rid of pack rats effectively. This guide is specially created to teach you about pack rat identification and some of the best methods to remove them.

How to Remove Pack Rats

What are Pack Rats?

These rats are commonly referred to as wood rats or pack rats. It is a habit of these rats to collect and carry random things. It is very common to see pack rats in desert areas and near suburbs. Pack rats can make a big nest out of twigs, leaves, and various shiny objects they collect.

Pack Rats: Diet, Size, Characteristics

Pack rats vary from 8 to 20 inches in length, including their tails. They have soft fur, large ears, and long whiskers, making them easy to distinguish from other rodents.


Pack rats are opportunistic feeders. They eat:

  • Food sources such as nuts, seeds, and berries
  • Stored human food
  • Materials like wood and even wires in vehicles

Unique Characteristics:

  • Telltale signs of their activity include chewed wires and piles of debris in your yard or engine bay.
  • They hoard shiny objects, which can include anything from coins to aluminum foil.

8 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Pack Rats

1.   Seal Entry Points

Inspect the house for gaps and cracks, especially around doors, windows, and foundations. Block the entry holes with steel wool and caulking. This makes it difficult for pack rats to get into your home. It is a simple yet effective first step in securing your house.

2.   Remove Food Sources

Pack rats are attracted to available food sources. Store all types of food in sealed bags and store pet food inside. Clear fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds from your yard so that they do not attract pack rats. A clean surrounding does not attract these rodents to come and settle near your place.

3.   Use Pack Rat Traps

Trapping and killing pack rats with quick snap is one of the unbeatable methods. For less fatal methods, glue traps and humane traps can be effective options for capturing and releasing the pest away from your property. Make sure to place traps strategically in areas where rodents seem most active.

4.   Set Up Bait

The use of bait such as peanut butter or commercial rat poison would be effective. Position the bait at active points, such as around the nests or on traps. However, make sure to place poison carefully since it can kill pets and other wild animals if handled without caution.

5.   Clean Pack Rat Nests

When you remove pack rats from your home, clean the nests as soon as possible. This helps remove the smells that can attract other rodents. Clean with gloves, and get rid of debris to avoid the spread of disease. Cleaning regularly prevents a new pest from visiting your home.

6.   Repellents

Some natural repellents like peppermint oil or even commercial rodent repellents are effective to use. Spray or spread repellents in high activity areas and nesting grounds. It repels rodents due to its strong odor that rats hate.

7.   Professional Services

If the infestation doesn’t stop even after your efforts, then consider hiring professional pest control services like Safe Pest Sol. Experts can help trace the actual cause and develop lasting solutions for pack rat infestations.

8.   Use Preventive Measures

Always keep your property clean to prevent pack rats from hiding spots. Make sure to remove woodpiles, debris, and tall grass from a yard. Regular maintenance and observation is the best way to prevent the pack rats from coming back again.

Are Pack Rats Dangerous?

Pack rats may cause property damage. They chew up wires, wood, and insulation, which can be very costly to repair. This usually leads to potential fire risks from short-circuited electrical wires in vehicles or homes. Their nests are mostly constructed of flammable material, which adds to the danger of causing fire. Keeping your property safe and dealing with infestations quickly helps avoid these risks.

Where Do Pack Rats Live?

Pack rats live in some of these places:

  • Desert regions: They prefer dry, rocky environments.
  • Homes: Attics, basements, and garages provide warmth and shelter.
  • Yards: Wood piles, bushes, and trash are popular nesting areas for rats.

Common Types of Pack Rats

Desert Wood Rats

Mostly, these desert wood rats can be found in southwestern United States, and they mostly inhabit dry and desert areas. These are rodents that are known for building large, elaborate nests made of sticks, cacti and other things.

Eastern Wood Rats

Eastern wood rats are smaller than they are compared to those that live in the desert. They prefer to place nests within hollow trees, logs, or rocky crevices. These rats are not as prevalent in urban areas, but they do invade homes near wooded regions. Their tendency to hoard shiny objects has given them the name “trade rats.”

Bushy-Tailed Pack Rats

Bushy-tailed pack rats are known for their tails that are very bushy and fluffy. It is found in all rocky terrains and mountainous regions of North America. This rodent gathers its nest in caves, under rocks and within abandoned buildings.

Norway Rats and Roof Rats

Although Norway and roof rats are not true pack rats, they are similar to these species in nesting and feeding. Norway rats are much bigger and tend to prefer the ground to burrow where they usually can found water source easily.


Dealing with pack rat infestations may seem unending, but with the right efforts, you can easily protect your home and property. The first step is to seal up entry points, then remove nests, and finally employ effective traps. If the case is difficult to deal with, calling pest control would be better.

Always remember that understanding how to remove pack rats will help you ensure that these rodents never return to your home.


  1. What are some signs of pack rat infestation?

Look for signs such as chewed wires, scattered debris, and droppings around your home or yard.

  1. Can pack rats cause damage to my car?

Chewing wires in the engine bay can cause expensive repairs.

  1. What are the best ways to prevent pack rats?

Keep your home and yard clean, seal entry points, and use repellent or traps to keep them away.

Call Professionals to Keep Pack Rats Miles Away from!

Seeing rats around can scare anyone. If you are one of them who have no clue how to keep your self protected from rats, just don’t worry. Call for our pest control services now and we will make sure to get rid of them.

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