Can Fleas Actually Live in Human Hair

Can Fleas Live in Human Hair?

Fleas are small wingless creatures that feed on blood to survive. These creatures often infest houses having pets, especially dogs and cats. Though fleas are considered to be living on animal fur, people usually wonder whether these pests can live in human hair.

This blog will talk about the behavior of fleas, whether they can live on human hairs, and effective ways to deal with that.

Can Fleas Live in Human Hair

Understanding Fleas’ Behavior

Fleas are among the smallest wingless insects that depend on a host for survival. In homes, they mainly live in pet hairs such as cats and dogs. Their legs are so strong that they can easily leap far away. Fleas move from one animal to another and can enter into human hairs.

They prefer warm and protected areas, which is why they infest places such as bedding, clothing, and carpets. The only reason they invade these places is for blood needed for their survival and producing their next generation.

The flea life cycle includes eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. They usually prefer laying flea eggs in animal fur, carpets, and soft furnishings so that they can grow easily before detection.

Fleas do not have wings, but they leap very quickly from one location to another. These insects like warm, humid environments and avoid to infest places that do not support flea infestation.

Can Fleas Live in Human Hair?

Fleas love to live in animal hair, but they can sometimes come in contact with a human scalp. Fleas find it uncomfortable to live in human hair for long due to less density as compared to animal fur, which is a perfect place for them to lay eggs.

  • Fleas tend to avoid human hair for several compelling reasons:
  • The human scalp is not a primary habitat for flea hosts.
  • Human blood does not permit fleas to feed for long periods.
  • The flea life cycle is disrupted without access to thick fur.

What to Do for Fleas on Clothes or Human Hair?

If you think there are fleas in your hair or clothes, you need to act quickly to get rid of them. Here are a few things you may follow:

1.   Wash Your Hair with Anti-Lice or Flea Treatment Shampoo

Wash the hair well using an anti-lice or flea treatment special shampoo. These types of shampoos are specially made to kill adult fleas and their eggs. Massage well into the scalp and hair, ensuring complete coverage on each strand. Finally, you can rinse out with warm water to wash away all the fleas and remnants.

2.   Use a Fine-Toothed Flea Comb

After washing, collect any remaining fleas or general debris from your hair with a fine-toothed flea comb. Such combs are made with very fine teeth so that even small types of parasites can be taken out efficiently. Comb your hair section by section, taking from the roots to the ends. Clean the comb after every stroke so that no flea is reintroduced.

3.   Launder Clothing and Bedding with Hot Water and Detergent

Wash all the infested clothing and bedding using hot water and a strong washing detergent. Since fleas and their eggs cannot survive in high temperatures, following this way is a good treatment. Also dry clothes on a very high heat setting. This step is very important to keep infestations out of your living spaces.

4.   Maintain a Clean Environment

One of the most useful ways would be to regularly vacuum, as this can decrease flea infestation in your home. You must include carpets, upholstery, and areas that your pets frequently visit. Dispose of vacuum bags or empty vacuum contents immediately so no fleas can escape back to the house. Being consistent with cleaning can surely help keep your place flea-free.

Can Fleas Jump from Pets to Human Hair?

Yes, fleas can actually jump from pets to humans. Fleas that reside on dogs and cats are very close to humans when they play with their pets. While fleas may hop onto human hair for a temporary time, they won’t stay there for long or spread an infestation there.

To reduce this risk:

  • Bathe your pets with appropriate flea treatment shampoos.
  • Try a flea comb to search for fleas and flea eggs on your pet.
  • Wash every pet’s bedding regularly in hot water.

Types of Fleas That Can Live in Human Hair

Fleas typically prefer dogs and cats, but there are some species that consider humans as their hosts. The following are the most common types among them:

1.   Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis)

These are the most common fleas found on cats and dogs. These fleas prefer animals as hosts but will nibble at humans when host animals are not within reach. These fleas can jump onto human hair but usually don’t hang around or lay eggs there.

2.   Dog Fleas (Ctenocephalides canis)

Dog fleas are like cat fleas, but they infest primarily dogs. They can even jump onto human hair through close contact with infested pets. However, dog fleas do not consider human hair suitable for the life cycle and jump off again after some time.

3.   Human Flea (Pulex irritans)

The human flea, or Pulex irritans, is one of the few species of fleas that especially consider humans as hosts. They suck blood from humans and may rest temporarily in the human scalp. They tend to stay longer without dropping off as compared to cat or dog fleas and can even cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.


Fleas are able to hop to human hair, but they do not stay there for long and do not cause infestation. They are fond of animal fur and grow in environments favorable to their life cycle. If you want to make your home and pets safe from fleas, you must follow preventive measures, be clean, and use effective flea treatment products.


  1. Can fleas lay eggs in human hair?

No, flea lays eggs primarily in animal hairs. They prefer such an environment because they can hide there, and it is easy for them to access their hosts.


  1. How can I prevent fleas from jumping to my hair?

Regular flea treatment for pets, cleanliness in the house, and avoiding close contact with infested animals will prevent fleas from jumping onto your hair.


  1. What should I do if fleas bite me?

Clean the bites with soap and water, apply anti-itch creams, and consider getting medical advice if you experience any allergic reactions.

Make Your Home Fleas-Free With Experts!

We know that having fleas around anyone is no less than a nightmare. As an expert pest control agency, we have the right expertise and tools to make any space, any home 100% free from fleas. Call us right now!


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