Cockroach Infestation Smell

Cockroach Infestation Smell – How To Get Rid of It

Spotting just a few cockroaches and pests does not mean that your house has a cockroach infestation. Such infestation mostly brings an awful smell as well, which makes your home’s ambiance unclean. Mostly, even if you do pest control and get rid of cockroaches, this type of smell remains.

So, what actually happens? What is the reason behind these odors and is there any anti-roach solution? In this blog,

we will tell you some ways to get rid of foul-smelling odors which are very simple to apply and make your home tidy like before.

Cockroach Infestation Smell - How To Get Rid of It

How Cockroach Infestation Smells Like

The cockroach infestation smells really bad and awful. Even if your one room has an infestation, it is going to fill up your whole house. Some of the main reasons for this infestation are their urine, feces, pheromones, and dead bodies as well.

This oily liquid, oleic acid, from dead roaches contributes to the musty smell and gets worse over time. Have you ever smelled rotten and mold food? Cockroach infestation smells exactly the same as that. But, sometimes it also has a sweet odor like maple syrup.

One of the main reason for these smells are cockroach poop and urine. Infested homes, especially areas behind the cabinets, under sinks, or the inner part of the kitchen, smell strongly due to German cockroaches.

Even death or breeding happens in places that are probably not clean, which makes our house smell awful. A musty odor lingering in the house over time can indicate that a cockroach infestation has begun in our house areas that are hard to reach.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Cockroach Infestation Smell

1.   Deep Cleaning

The important and easiest step to get rid of cockroach smells is to perform shallow cleaning. Start by cleaning areas that cockroaches adore, like your kitchen, cabinets, and places behind appliances.

It would be best if you focused on dirty places where you find food crumbs and grease. The spraying of disinfectants will be quite useful in cleaning surface areas.

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You can do this by brushing dusty places that are unreachable with the broom, such as underneath the fridge, behind the stove, and around the microwave.

Such unreachable places in our house have the probability to find roach droppings, dead roaches, and their feces, which causes the persistent odor.

2.   Disinfect and Deodorize

Cockroach’s dropping and urine don’t just smell bad, they also have bacteria that are hazardous to us and cause many diseases. The best approach to fight these bacteria, you can use disinfectant spray which has the chemicals to kill these germs and make the area deodorized.

Kitchen counters, cabinet bases, and the areas where people don’t reach mostly are the most focused areas where you have to spray.

Use baking soda and activated charcoal as well, as they act like a natural deodorizer. Most of the time cockroach infestation smells are too hard to get rid of. So, in these situations, you can also use air purifiers in your kitchen and washrooms.

3.   Get Rid of Moisture Sources

Cockroaches like to live in water, so it is essential to remove any source of water that could be fueling the infestation. Leaky pipes, damp areas under sinks, and standing water are cockroach attractors.

You’re not only eliminating what draws the roaches in but also getting rid of some of the smells caused by dampness as you address these problems. Be sure to wipe down the wet surfaces and keep moisture-prone areas as dry as you can so you won’t be giving roaches a reason to hang around.

4.   Use Anti-Roach Solutions

To kill the cockroach smell totally, you’ll have to eradicate the source. This would involve using an anti-roach solution, such as baits, traps, or sprays, to deal with the infestation itself. It comes in different forms as well.

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It also targets different cockroaches which hide in dark areas like cabinets, closets, and behind kitchen appliances. For bigger infestations, professional pest control might be required to make sure that all the roaches are removed. It will never get worse from this point; the sooner you remove those cockroaches, the better.

5.   Ventilate and Purify the Air

After thoroughly cleaning up and curing the infestation, ventilation would be necessary to remove odors. Open windows and use fans to circulate fresh air throughout the house. Kill off the residual odor by using air purifiers that have a HEPA filter to capture all particles and allergens that remain.

Clean out the hidden places behind the fridge or the stove where cockroaches may have left their droppings because such things can spread the odors.

Is Cockroach Infestation Smell Dangerous for Humans?

Cockroach infestation doesn’t just smell bad, it can have a significant impact on human health. They can spread many deadly germs by dropping their waste which is hazardous for people who have any allergy. Some of the most common diseases include asthma as well.  Their poop and urine also carry harmful bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which can make you feel sick if it comes into contact with food or the place where you make food.

Particularly, cockroach droppings can become a cause of health problems. When they dry and then get airborne, they can easily be inhaled, causing allergic reactions or asthma problems.  If a child or pet comes in contact with an infestation, it may cause stomach problems as well. So, if you face such a situation, it is recommended that you address this situation as soon as possible to avoid any health risks.

The infestation smell can be gross and spreads harmful bacteria that you have to deal with. This is why cleaning and disinfecting affected areas are necessary.


Eliminating cockroach infestation smell requires a combo of deep cleaning and disinfection operation. Whether it is the German cockroach or any of the prevalent roach species, the above-described methods ensure you remove the pest and keep your home smelling fresh. It is better to solve this issue sooner than later since the odor can cause much more serious health conditions, most of all to people who have allergies or conditions affecting their respiratory systems.

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Successfully eliminating roaches is possible but only if you keep your home clean, fix your leaks, and utilize pest control methods. So, if you want to get rid of the infestation smell, do it with patience and the necessary cleaning tools to make your home free from roaches and their smells.



  1. What is the smell of cockroach infestation?

In most cases, cockroach infestation has the same smell like mold and spoiled food. But for some people, it has a sweet odor like what maple syrup has.

  1. Can cockroach smell make you sick?

    Yes, cockroach infestation smells can carry allergens and bacteria that may cause allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and even food poisoning if the roach droppings or urine come into contact with food or surfaces.

  2. How do you get rid of the cockroach infestation smell?

    To get rid of cockroach infestation smells, you need to deep clean your home, disinfect affected areas, eliminate moisture sources, use anti-roach solutions, and improve ventilation to remove lingering odors.

  3. Are cockroach smells harmful to pets?

    Yes, the allergens and bacteria associated with cockroach droppings and urine can also affect pets. Areas where cats or dogs frequent should be cleaned and disinfected to prevent health problems.

Need a Solution for the Infestation Smell?

We know the smell of infestation can be awful which welcomes thousands of germs along with it. But we have a solution!

With our professional pest control services, we can take care of whether it is an infestation smell, cockroaches, or bugs. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call now!


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