All About Creepy Wolf Spiders in Washington

Everything You Should Know About Creepy Wolf Spiders in Washington

It is very common to see creepy wolf spiders in Washington. The thing that makes these spiders intimidating is they run fast and have a big hairy body. Home, garden, and outdoors are the most common places to find them. You may get scared of these spiders because of their appearance, but they don’t harm humans.

If you read this blog till the end, you will know if wolf spiders are harmful or not. Plus, you will find the best ways to get rid of them with little hard work.

Are Wolf Spiders Dangerous?

Wolf spiders are not a danger to humans at all. Their appearance only makes them look scary. Yes, they are venomous, but they only harm insects and bugs. The primary reason for a wolf spider’s bite is purely defensive.

If wolf spiders bite, you may feel a little pain and swelling, but these can be temporary. Wolf spiders are not harmful like other spiders like black widows or yellow sac spiders.

Wolf Spiders in Washington

Wolf spiders only bite humans when they feel any danger towards them. Most people can avoid getting bitten by them by leaving the spider alone or moving it out of the house.

Are Wolf Spiders Poisonous?

Yes, technically, wolf spiders are poisonous because they contain venom. However, there is no need to feel scared of wolf spiders. Their venom is very mild and targets only tiny insects. This means that there is a very low chance that these spiders will harm humans severely.

Since their venom is not meant for human beings or larger animals, a wolf spider’s bite is toxic in very few cases. Practically, getting bitten by wolf spiders does not require medical attention. If a wolf spider bites, you may experience some redness or itchiness that will probably last for a day or two.

But, if someone is allergic and gets bitten by a spider, it is a must to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Should You Kill Wolf Spiders?

People may get scared from wolf spiders and want to kill them. Wolf spiders are good for the environment since they help feed many common pests, such as insects and other bugs. If you have wolf spiders in your home, many home pests will stay away from your house or yard.

These spiders are natural predators, and they will help you maintain the balance of insect populations around your home.

Instead of killing these spiders, it would be better if you helped them escape your house. You can use a jar or any other container to catch and relocate them away from home.

How to Identify Wolf Spiders in Washington

Wolf spiders have a characteristic look, which makes them relatively easy to identify. Some of the key features that can be used to identify them include a relatively large and hairy body. Another distinguishing feature is their eyes. Here are some important physical characteristics of wolf spiders:


ColorUsually brown, gray, or tan with dark stripes or spots
SizeFrom 1 to 1.5 inches in body length
EyesThree rows of large eyes: two big ones on top and smaller ones below
Body ShapeBroad, hairy abdomen and strong legs
LegsLong and thick, covered with short hairs
Hunting StyleDoes not spin webs; hunts on the ground


Normally, spiders build webs, but wolf spiders do not. They actually do the hunting. Sometimes, you may spot them running across the ground, especially at night when they are most active.

Are Wolf Spiders Commonly Found in Washington?

Yes, you can see wolf spiders almost everywhere in Washington State. These spiders live in multiple habitats, including forests, fields, and towns. They use the outdoors to hide under the leaf litter, rocks, or logs. While indoors, they mainly hide in the basements, garages, and dark places.

The wolf spider is very adapted to the climate of Washington. This is why Washington state has become their comfort zone for living peacefully.

In any case, if you notice a wolf spider anywhere in your house, it is mainly because they entered your house mistakenly. These spiders don’t like to stay indoors for long because it is hard to find prey inside their homes.

Solutions for Wolf Spiders

To get rid of wolf spiders in your house, here are some pretty easy methods:

1.   Seal Entry Points

This method works the most. You have to seal all gaps and cracks in windows, doors, and walls. Make sure the window screens are intact and the doors are fitted close enough.

2.   Declutter Your Home

Wolf spiders like cluttered places. If you arrange your house properly and clean it, there will be few places for them to hide. If you clean up your house regularly, there will be no suitable place for them to live for a long time.

3.   Use Natural Repellents

Another options are peppermint, eucalyptus and other essential oils to eliminate pests and spiders. You can mix these oils with water, and spray it in your home, windows, or entry points. This would keep the wolf spider away without using toxic chemicals.

4.   Turn Off Outdoor Lights at Night

Light sources attract wolf spiders the most. If you want to keep spiders away from your house, you have to reduce your lighting at night.


While many of us feel uncomfortable seeing scary wolf spiders in Washington , they generally have nothing to fear. These spiders don’t harm humans, they just need insects to eat. In fact, whenever you find a wolf spider, just remember it’s probably just passing through.

Sealing up entry points, minimizing clutter and using natural repellents are good ways to keep these spiders away from your house without causing them any harm.


Q1: Can wolf spider bites be dangerous for pets or kids?

A: Wolf spider bites are generally mild and don’t pose a serious risk to pets or children. However, it’s best to keep pets and kids from playing with or handling these spiders to be safe.

Q2: Do wolf spiders build webs in homes?

A: Wolf spiders don’t spin webs to catch their food. Instead, they hunt on foot so they don’t leave webs around the house.

Q3: When are wolf spiders most active in Washington?

A: Wolf spiders are active throughout the year, but you might see them more often in warmer months when they hunt more frequently.

Have you Seen a Wolf Spider in Your Home? Get Professional Help from Professionals!

Many of us get anxious when we see pests and spiders, like wolf spiders, in our homes. While dealing with situations like this, you should be careful all the time. For this, getting help from pest controllers like us is preferable.

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