Do Cockroaches Die In The Winter

Do Cockroaches Die In The Winter?

With the onset of winter, the question always arises: can we have to deal with pests in winter as well? Do they all vanish, or do they have some ways to survive the cold? Knowing their behavior is important for those owners who would like to see their homes cockroach-free.

Those hardy creatures are resistant to face many environmental conditions, making them a troublemaker.

Do Cockroaches Die In The Winter

Is is Possible for Cockroaches to Live In Winter?

Even million years ago, cockroaches were still there. This made them resilient pests and capable of surviving in most of the harsh conditions.

Mostly pests wants to live somewhere warm, cozy and hidden places. But they can also adapt cooler temperatures at the winter season.

In general, most cockroach species will not survive temperatures of 15 degrees Fahrenheit and cooler temperatures. To protect themselves from cold temperatures, roaches have learned how to seek shelter indoors and thus survive the winter months.

There are several species of cockroaches in the United States that can survive winter if they have adequate shelter:

American Cockroach: This species mostly lives in open places but they will be found inside as winter approaches. They love moist places; bathrooms and laundry rooms. Outside, they can be hiding in rotting trees or piles of wood.

German Cockroach: The German cockroach is so widespread throughout America that it can easily enter homes. This species can survive winter in moist environment, especially where there is adequate food supply like in the kitchen.

Oriental Cockroach: This species is primarily an indoor species that occasionally ventures out in quest of food but hates water. They are often found in basements, crawlspace, and floor drains. Once outdoors, they often prefer to hide in rock walls or in any warm place. In fact, Oriental cockroaches breed in winter, ensuring their survival is important during periods of cold snaps.

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Brown-Banded Cockroach: This species does not appear as readily as the German cockroach. Heaters, appliances and paces where the heat can be found can act like as the perfect spot for these cockroaches.

How Long Can a Cockroach Survive in Winter?

It is not easy for cockroaches to survive in cold temperatures, but it may vary from species to species. Most of the time, certain types of species can not survive in cold temperatures for a short time.

The maximum temperature of  50°F (10°C) is where the German cockroach can survive, but it is too difficult for them to live below that temperature. Most cockroaches face it so much difficulty in surviving under a temperature of 45°F (7°C).

However, some species, for example, Oriental cockroaches, are more tolerant of the cold and survive longer at lower temperatures. If a cockroach finds a warm spot, such as a warm spot or appliance, it may survive the winter better.

Do Cockroach Eggs Also Survive in Winter?

The cold might be worse for the cockroach eggs than for the adults and baby roaches. The survival factor depends on factors such as the type of species and time exposure. Most varieties of cockroach eggs cannot tolerate very cold temperatures; where temperatures go below 50°F, most of them may die.

Places Where Cockroaches Live in Winter

Being experts, cockroaches have several hiding spots within our homes. For this, it’s important for house owners to know where these pests thrive. Here are some common places roaches can be spotted during winter:

1.   Cabinets

Cockroaches do not mind in staying anywhere. The cockroaches even eat very tiny food crumbs and make way to tiny spaces through their narrow holes. The dusting of cabinets, cleaning food crumbs may minimize the cockroach infestation.

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2.   Appliances

Your kitchen appliances can be cockroach hotspot. Stoves, microwaves, coffee machines, and toasters are some of the most-hidin’ places for roaches. Regular cleaning and maintenance are a necessity to keep them at bay.

3.   Pipes

Cockroaches use the pipework in houses to travel; they like these dark, damp places as a harbor. Checking the pipes for leakages may remove potential hiding spots for these insects.

4.   The Ceiling

Believe it or not, cockroaches can hide in ceilings, too. Seal the cracks and holes so they cannot burrow any further into your house.

5.   Trim and Moulding

Do you think those tiny cracks you find along your trim and crown molding are too small for cockroaches to squeeze through? Not so! Cockroaches can easily siphon into tight spaces. Thus, seal all the cracks.

6.   Electronics

With most of the people at home, few spills and crumbs near electronics could easily bring cockroaches. Keep your space clean not to invite such unwanted guests.

7.   Furniture

We enjoy snacking on a sofa. But the crumbs you often leave on your sofa can bring cockroaches. Cleaning common places keeps a house free from cockroaches.

Eventually, cockroaches become so comfortable in any room where there is water. Through cleanliness in your home and not letting out those food items from under your watchful eyes, you will be less likely to have cockroaches inside your home.

Things You Can Do to Get Rid of Roaches in Winter

Keeping your home free of cockroaches during winter requires consistent effort. Here are some necessary precautions:

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To keep your house roach-free during the entire winter period, you need to maintain consistency in your efforts. Here are some measures of precaution:

  • Seal the Entry Points: Make sure that your window must not have any crack and gaps. Any space between the walls and under the door can become the easy access for roaches to enter your house.
  • Use Baits and Traps: Find professional-grade baits and traps that would help eliminate these cockroaches.
  • Look for Sources of Water: Ensure that all water leaks are identified and sealed. Ensure that no source of standing water remains in the house since cockroaches need water to live. Controlling moisture will mean they will not stay in your house for longer.


Although cockroaches don’t thrive during the cold winter months, they survive if they manage to find some warm haven indoors. After learning about their habits and what they do, you can then take enough precautions to ensure your house is completely free of cockroaches.


  1. Can cockroaches survive in freezing temperatures?

Most cockroaches cannot survive freezing temperatures for long. However, some species, like the Oriental cockroach, are more tolerant.

  1. Where do cockroaches hide in winter?

During winter, cockroaches often hide in warm areas such as cabinets, appliances, and areas near water sources.

  1. Do cockroach eggs survive in winter?

Cockroach eggs can be more resilient to cold but may not survive extremely cold conditions.

Dealing With Roaches But Can’t Find Any Solution?

Don’t worry, as we are here. Call us now for our professional pest control services, and just relax!

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