Does Killing Cockroaches Attract More?

No one of us want cockroaches in our home. In fact, it is like a nightmare when we see these crawling pests in our walls, kitchen, or anywhere in the house. These creatures reproduce quite rapidly and propagate rather efficiently, giving rise to a great sense of frustration.

Does Killing Cockroaches Attract

Everybody is puzzled whether killing a cockroach will bring in more of them. It may be just a myth or have some truth underlying it? In this blog, we will talk about: do they really attract more by killing them? What else could be drawing them into your space? And more.

Getting Into The Core of Cockroach Behaviour

If the place is dark, hidden, and there is a source of water and food, such places can definitely become a nice place for cockroaches to live. Roaches are pretty resilient creatures and can survive almost anywhere-from a small crevice and gap in your walls to under the appliances. It’s not so easy to regulate an infestation once cockroaches begin multiplying.

Cockroaches are social pests. They communicate with chemicals referred to as pheromones in finding food, recognizing their colony, and detecting danger. Pheromones are usually found in their droppings, where the scent can be a sign for another cockroach that an area is safe and livable.

These tiny signals play a huge role in their behavior, making many think that killing one cockroach might lead to more.

So Killing Cockroaches Means Attracting More?

Many of us think that if they kill a cockroach, it means it will attract more of them. While this idea may sound unreal, there is a little truth there. Squeezing a cockroach will release a chemical by the name of oleic acid.

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This acid has a very pungent smell that people can equate to smelling oily or musty. But in a way, it does not really attract them positively. This odor could symbolize danger. But it could bring them closer to the source of that place in order to investigate out of curiosity.

Though a dead cockroach might have this smell, it is not always a reason to attract more cockroaches. The presence of dead cockroaches will not create a serious cockroach situation; food sources, moisture, and safe hiding spots will. If those are not cut off in the long run, your problem may worsen and end up as a massive cockroach infestation.

What Other Things Attract More Cockroaches?

Besides squishing them, cockroaches have a dozen more reasons that might attract them to your home. Below is some of the most common reasons why:

1.   Poor Cleanliness

Cockroaches are attracted to any source of food remnants and dirty environment. The secret lies in preventing the infestation altogether beginning with constant cleaning activities. If you leave food open, ignore to wash dishes timely, and often leave food crumbs around the corner of your kitchen, you are unknowingly inviting these pests into your house.

Also, make sure that you must not leave your house wet, ignore the leak, or don’t clean standing water. Since roaches like to live in wet areas, such places can become a perfect spot for them to live.

2.   Moisture and Water Sources

Cockroaches also depend on water for their survival. Leaks from pipes, standing water, or moist places attract them to those places. Ensure that you cover water leaks at home and dry up the water beyond what is necessary in reducing your chances of an infestation.

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You could also place boric acid around points where sinks are located or near pipes in order to get rid of roaches easily.

3.   Clutter and Hiding Spots

They’ll be attracted to clutter, especially dark places. They love hiding in piles of papers, drawers, boxes, and behind appliances. You can help prevent them from hiding in your house by reducing clutter.

4.   Food Sources and Crumbs

A big food source of cockroaches is leftover food or crumbs. It can even become a buffet overnight if you leave out some pet food. Store food in an airtight container, and clean up immediately after meals to minimize the chances of infestation.

Even small crumbs in the corner will suffice in bringing the cockroaches into your kitchen.

5.   Roach Pheromones and Droppings

As we have discussed this earlier, one of the other things that may attract more roaches are their droppings. Cockroaches have a natural ability that they can send a signal to their king of species if the certain area is safe for them to live. They can do this by their droppings which contain pheromones.

Pheromones can be detected by other roaches as well. So, if you find any dropping somewhere in your house, don’t ignore that, as it can be an alarming situation of future infestation in your house.


In short, it doesn’t always mean that killing cockroaches always attracts more roaches, but it can be true sometimes. Since dropping of roaches contains pheromones, other roaches can get a signal from it. However, attractants such as food and moisture can contribute far more to the bringing inside of cockroaches.

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Some of the prescribed pest control methods from professionals include making sure that your home is clean, where there is no source of food and water for cockroaches to live. On the other hand if the situation gets worse, you can also get help from some natural remedies to get rid of roaches. Some of the remedies include using boric acid and baits which can decrease the chances of pest infestation.


Q: Does killing a cockroach cause more to appear?

A: Killing one cockroach releases a smell from oleic acid, which can alert other roaches, but it’s not likely to cause a significant increase in numbers. However, poor cleanliness or excess moisture can attract more cockroaches.

Q: What are the common signs of a cockroach infestation?
A: Cockroach droppings, a musty odor, shed skins, and sightings of live or dead cockroaches are some common signs of a cockroach infestation.

Q: Is there any way to stop cockroaches getting into my house?

Yes, there is. You can start with cleaning your house on daily bases, seal the crevices and cracks, repair the water leakage and use pest repellent such as cockroach baits. These situations are not just effective but can create an instant impact as well.

No Matter if It’s One or Hundreds, We Have a Permanent Solution for Roaches!

Yes, you heard it right! We are always two steps ahead of these roaches and know every ins and outs of how to get rid of them. So, contact us now and let us sweep away pest infestation from scratch.


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