How To Tell If It's A Bed Bug Or A Different Bug

How To Tell If It’s A Bed Bug Or A Different Bug

Bed bugs are quite small in size that might infest your house and cause itchy bumps. Many people sometimes misidentify these creatures with other pests because of similar features.

Bed Bug

This guide will help you in finding bedbug identifications, understand their behaviors, and differentiate them from other pests. At the end of this guide, you will know how to observe signs of bed bug infestation and take action.

Things You Must Know About Bed Bugs

1.   How They Look

They are small, flat, and brown-reddish insects. They closely resemble apple seeds in both shape and size. Unlike other insects, bed bugs don’t have any wings. They do not jump, and their body swells after taking a bite and turn darker.

2.   Where They Live

Bed bugs prefer places close to their food, usually your mattress, bed frame, or furniture cracks. They can also be found in places such as electrical outlets, behind wallpapers, or under carpets. Their ability to live unnoticed for several months makes bed bug infestations challenging.

3.   Their Lifecycle

A female bedbug lays about 200-500 eggs in her lifetime. Bedbug eggs are tiny and not easily seen. The eggs hatch into nymphs that take about five days to become adults. Their life cycle under favorable conditions is completed in about a month.

4.   How Their Bites Look Like

Bed bug bites show up as red itchy marks which usually appear in clusters or in straight lines. These bugs normally bite in exposed skin such as the arms, legs, and neck. Scratching these bite marks excessively may lead to infection.

Bed Bug Vs. Other Bugs: Detailed Comparison

1.   Eating Habit

Bed bugs are bloodsuckers. They typically bite humans during the night. Bed bugs prefer activities at night and sneakily bite on any exposed skin.


While mosquitoes and fleas may bite humans and animals. Mosquitoes are primarily outdoor pests, while fleas are indoor pets. On the other hand, different types of cockroaches consume human and carcinogenic waste.

AspectBed BugsFleasMosquitoesCockroaches
DietBloodBlood from animals and humansBlood from humans/animalsDecaying matter, leftover food
Feeding TimeNightAnytimeDusk and dawnAnytime

2.   Places to Live

Bed bugs usually hide in narrow spaces like seams in mattresses, between bed frames, and around upholstered furniture. Cracks and crevices are also the places where they usually sleep.


AspectBed BugsFleasMosquitoesCockroaches
HabitatMattresses, furniture, cracksPets, carpetsOutdoor, water areasKitchens, bathrooms
Primary LocationIndoorsIndoors and outdoorsOutdoorsIndoors

3.   Mechanism

Bed bugs slowly and carefully crawl to their host, feed quietly, and then go back to their hiding spots.

However, fleas are fast jumpers that can cover long distances. Spiders use their webs to trap prey, while cockroaches scurry very fast to run away from danger.


AspectBed BugsFleasSpidersCockroaches
MovementCrawl slowlyJump quicklyCrawl, spin websScurry swiftly
Feeding StyleBite and retreatBite and stayTrap prey in websScavenge

4.   Difference in Bites

Bed bug bites are unique to other pests. Mostly, they appear in clusters or straight lines on exposed skin. Itching and redness are common signs of their bites.

Flea bites are smaller, typically concentrated around the ankles as tiny red spots. Spider bites, however, are usually larger which causes swelling or redness and might be painful.


AspectBed BugsFleasSpidersMosquitoes
Bite PatternClusters, linearSmall, isolated spotsLarge, single marksIsolated, red bumps
SymptomsItching, rednessItching, irritationSwelling, painMild irritation


Other Bugs That Look Similar to Bed Bugs


Fleas have a reddish brown color and are much smaller than bed bugs. Unlike bed bugs, they have a distinctive jumping motion, which allows them to jump between people and pets quickly. They do bite and can irritate, but they mostly target animals.

Other Bugs That Look Similar to Bed Bugs

Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are often confused with bed bugs due to their oval body shape. However, they do not bite humans. They may cause allergic reactions in some people, especially from the shed skin or tiny hairs that can irritate the skin or respiratory system.

Carpet Beetles

Spider Mites

Spider mites are minuscule pests primarily found on plants rather than in homes. They are not harmful to humans, but their tiny size and reddish coloration can sometimes lead to confusion with bed bugs, especially if spotted in large numbers on household plants.

Scabies Mites

These are microscopic parasites that can dig under the human skin. Scabies mites make their way under the skin and cause very intense itching with rashes. Not at all like bed bugs, these can be found underneath the skin and are not visible to the naked eye. Their bites cause much more severe allergic reactions than other pests.

Having knowledge of the differences between bed bugs and other pests would help you identify them and remove infestations with appropriate treatment.

Are Bugs Easy To See?

Bed bugs are visible but can be mistaken for some other insects. Look for signs like shed skin, blood stains on sheets, or the presence of bed bug eggs.

How You Can Identify Bed Bug Bites

The usual appearance of bed bug bites is small, red colour bumps in a linear format. Bed bug bites may feel itchy, and they can cause allergic reactions to a few as well. If you can’t identify their bites, you can consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider

How Bed Bugs Infest In Your Space

Bed bugs initially invade by entering your premises through luggage, clothes, or used furniture. After they get settled in, they multiply rapidly and occupy areas where people sleep.

Major Signs of Bed Bug Infestation

  • Bite marks on skin.
  • Small blood stains on the bedding.
  • Tiny black spots (feces) on mattress seams.
  • Presence of live bugs or shed skins.


Knowing how bed bugs look is essential to find out quickly whether the pest is a bedbug or not. You can use the tips shared in this guide to identify bedbugs, their behavior, and early signs of infestation. Early detection can save your home from any damage and also protect your health from any harm.


Q1. How can I confirm it’s a bed bug and not another insect?

Check if they’ve got a reddish-brown spot on your body. Also, inspect hidden places, such as your bed frame. Also, look for early indications like bite marks and tiny stains on your bedding.

Q2. Can bed bugs spread diseases?

No, bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, but their bites can cause itching and allergic reactions in some people.

Q3. What should I do if I suspect a bed bug infestation?

Hire a pest control professional and check your mattress, furniture, and areas of sleep for live bugs or other signs to confirm an infestation.

Get an Instant Relief from Bugs Infestation!

Bed bugs are small in size. This means dealing with them can be hard. But worry not because we are here. Call our professionals now and let our expert pest control agency help you.


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