What Food Attracts Rats and Why
Rats are the most common invaders that bring inconvenience and even various problems for households. It brings many types of damages, diseases and nuisance that no one wishes to face.
One of the major reason behind rat’s infestation in your house is the food items that attract rats. Rats are one of those creatures who gets attracted to almost any consumable items.
This article talks about what foods attract rats, what they like to eat, and what will harm them. Also, we’ll tell you some effective ways to prevent them from entering your house and answer some common questions about rat infestation.
Understanding Rats’ Dietary Habits
Rats are omnivorous in nature. This means they can eat both plant and animal-based foods. In the wild, these animals mainly survive on fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains. However, once they migrate into homes, their diet changes according to whatever is available for them.
Rats have an amazing ability to smell food. This explains why they get attracted to home, especially when there are easy sources of food. They can sniff out food from a distance, making it hard to remove them if they find a food source once.
Rats also prefer water, which they can find from sources such as pipes, sinks, or even water tanks. Their infestation can quickly become uncontrollable if you are not managing food and water sources adequately.
10 Foods Rats Love to Eat
Rats eat everything they find. However, there are some foods that attract rats the most. They love to feed on:
1. Peanut butter
Sticky food with a strong smell and taste is one of the favorite foods for rats. You can also use such bait for rat traps.
2. Cheese
Cheese is another food that attracts rodents, but it is not common for all rats. Especially, rats with strong smelling abilities prefere cheese.
3. Grains and seeds
Rats love to consume seeds and grans such as corn, rice and oats. Since these foods are rat’s favourite, it becomes difficult to store them and keep them away from rats.
4. Fruits
Fruits are among the favorite things rats love too much on. Mostly, they prefer bananas, berries, and apples over others. Rats quickly get attracted to the sweetness and juiciness of fruits.
5. Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the major attractions to rats. However, it’s harmful to consume them in large amounts. Its smell and taste attract them.
6. Bread
Common household food like bread is like a snack for a rat if left without attention. Stale bread is also appealing to them.
7. Nuts
Another favorite of these tiny creatures is peanuts, almonds, and other nuts. They are calorie-dense, making them a valuable meal for rats.
8. Leftover food
Anything left on the counter or dropped on the floor is a potential meal for rats. Even crumbs can bring them into your home.
9. Meat scraps
Rats can eat almost everything they find. They don’t even leave leftover meat, especially if its fatty and greasy. They oftenly seek for rich in protein foods such as meat.
10. Sweeteners and sugary foods
From cakes to candies, rats have a desire to eat sweets. Sugary foods are very attractive to such pests.
List of Foods Harmful to Rats
Rats are scavengers. However, some foods can harm them. Giving the wrong foods can make them suffer from diseases or even death. Here is a list of foods harmful to them:
- Chocolate: Mostly, rats love to consume chocolate. However, it may kill them if consumed in large quantity because it contains theobromine.
- Caffeinated drinks: Caffeine is similar to chocolate, meaning it is toxic for rats.
- Onions: Consuming onions can cause blood-related issues in rats, leading to organ failure.
- Garlic: Similar to onions, garlic can cause health issues in rats, especially if consumed in large amounts.
- Citrus fruits: Since citrus fruits are high in acidity, they can affect a rat’s digestive system.
- Alcohol: Alcohol is deadly for rats, even in a small amount.
- Salty foods: Too much salt can be harmful and cause kidney damage in rats.
Do Rats Eat Other Animal Waste?
Rats are not finicky eaters and may sometimes eat animal waste when it is available. When wild rats are desperate for food, they often consume other animals.
Rather than being disgusting, this scavenger behavior is common in rats. This nature of rats contributes to the spread of diseases, which they bring to the places where they are infested.
Ways to Keep Rats Away from Your House
It is essential to prevent rats from being attracted to your house. Below are some simple steps you can follow to avoid an infestation.
1. Seal entryways
Even the tiniest gap is enough for rats to enter your home. This is why make sure to cover all cracks, holes, and open spaces in your window and walls. Also, keep your door sealed.
2. Store food properly
Store your food in tightly sealed containers. Do not leave any food source or leftovers uncovered.
3. Clean your home regularly.y
Remove crumbs and food parts as soon as possible. Always assure there must be no food uncovered for long.
4. Use rodent repellents
There are many natural products that you can use as rat repellents and drive the rats away.
5. Set traps
Trapping rats can be an effective way of reducing infestation. To catch rats effectively, place them in areas where you’ve noticed rats before.
6. Manage water sources
Make sure there are no open water sources, and fix any leaks that might be attracting rats.
7. Remove clutter
Endless clutter can become a perfect spot for rats to stay. This is why, always keep your home organized and cleaned.
Rats are opportunistic animals. They may enter your house when they sense food, water, and shelter. Knowing the kinds of food that attract rats will prevent them from infesting your house.
However, if your house is clean with no litter and debris, rats won’t get attracted to your house. Remember that rats prefer dark and warm areas. Paying attention to these aspects will also minimize any possible rat infestation.
1.Which food is the best to use in a rat trap?
One of the best food you can try is peanut butter. Since it is easy to apply and have a strong smell, it will attract rats more quickly.
2.Do rats only feed on food waste?
No, rats will eat whatever they can get, including plants, seeds, and even animal excrement. They are opportunistic creatures and tend to consume whatever comes their way.
3.Can rats spread diseases through food?
Yes, rats carry diseases through food. To avoid this, only consume fresh food.
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