4 Reasons Why Spiders Play Dead

Why Do Spiders Play Dead? Shocking Reasons

Have you ever seen a spider lying motionless and wondered if it was still alive? Many species of spiders have an interesting behavior in which they seem to be dead, known as thanatosis. This is a survival strategy that keeps them safe from predators. However, not all spiders have this behavior, and their reasons for “playing dead” differ.

In this blog, we will discuss everything about this strange act. Moreover, we will also address which spider species use this strategy and how you can determine if a spider is actually dead.

Why Do Spiders Play Dead

Do All Spider Species Play Dead?

Not every spider uses thanatosis as its defensive method. Instead, certain spiders like wolf spiders or southern house spiders would more probably employ their swiftness or webs as the main method for defense. While, brittle species of spider such as the yellow garden or redback tend to fake their own deaths.

There can be several reasons why spiders play dead. Some reasons can be the environment, body weight, and how they perceive threats. For example, smaller spiders might easily hold their positions for a longer time in order to confuse predators. On the other hand, bigger tarantulas just hide in their burrows rather than show this action.

Do Brown Recluse Spiders Play Dead?

Yes, brown recluse spiders play dead when threatened. These are shy creatures and will avoid fighting at all costs. Their light body weight makes it easier for them to remain still for long periods of time. If a predator gets too close, a brown recluse spider might look like a dead spider, which could deceive its enemies to leave it alone.

4 Reasons Why Spiders Play Dead

1.   Defense Against Predators

When threatened, most spiders freeze in place as a survival mechanism. This approach is called tonic immobility which makes them look like a dead spider. Tonic immobility helps spiders to avoid their predators. This is a common defense mechanism among fragile spider species, such as the yellow garden spider and southern house spiders, as it minimizes the chances of becoming prey.

2.   Survival During Attacks

Playing dead often confuses and distracts predators, leaving time for the spider to run away. For example, wolf spiders pretend to be dead to escape when confronted by bigger animals. This strategy usually helps spiders when they are cornered or in danger within their natural webs or garden places.

3.   Mating Process

Playing dead is also an unusual defensive mechanism of male spiders, such as the nursery web spider during the mating process. This can save them from fierce reactions of the female spider because they may think they are going to hurt her. A feigning death male spider may approach the female spider safely, therefore increasing their chances of successfully mating while avoiding injury.

4.   Molting Phase Protection

Spiders are most vulnerable during the molting phase, as their exoskeleton is soft and fragile. Pretending to be a dead spider during this time helps them evade predators. For example, a redback spider in its molting stage might stop all movement, giving an impression of being lifeless.

This tactic minimizes attraction until the spider regains all its body weight and strength. By playing dead, spiders cleverly use this behavior for defense, survival, and even reproduction, showcasing their adaptability and resilience in various situations.

How Long Does a Spider Play Dead?

Different species hold a different count. Some spider species, such as the redback spider or black widow, may lie still for a few minutes only. Others can keep this position for hours even when they recognize some persistent danger with a giant house spider. So, the ability to still depend on the spider’s body weight, energy levels, and surrounding environment

8 Spider Species That Play Dead

Here are eight spider species that commonly follow thanatosis:

  1. Wolf spiders
  2. Southern house spiders
  3. Yellow garden spiders
  4. Redback spiders
  5. Black widow spiders
  6. Nursery web spiders
  7. Huntsman spiders
  8. Jumping spiders

These species use this behavior as part of their survival strategy. Each has unique traits that determine how effectively they can mimic death.

Ways to Identify if a Spider Is Playing Dead

1.   Shriveled Abdomen

A dead playing spider typically has a shriveled abdomen, appearing limp but with no signs of decay or damage. This is quite different from the body of a dead spider, which may show deterioration or discoloration. The abdomen remains intact, showing that the spider attempts to mimic death as a defense mechanism.

2.   Legs Curled Against the Body

When a spider pretends to be dead, its legs usually curl tightly around its body. In a natural death, they could be sprawled out. This is quite common in fragile spider species, such as the yellow garden spider, where they stay still and deter predators.

3.   No Movement Upon Light Prodding

A dead spider does not move, even when it is touched lightly or prodded. But the exoskeleton remains unbroken, showing no signs of physical damage. This immobility is a key sign of tonic immobility, a survival tactic used by species such as wolf spiders and redback spiders to avoid danger.

4.   Alive but Motionless

If you’re pretty sure the spider is alive but shows no movement, it might be faking death to avoid a threat. This behavior is common in male spiders during the mating process or in southern house spiders when they perceive danger. Observing their environment can give additional signs of whether they’re truly dead or just pretending.

By looking at these hidden signs, you can understand whether the spider is actually using its sharp defense mechanism or has actually died.


Spiders are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors like Thanatos is that help them survive in the wild. While not every spider species plays dead, many, such as the black widow or southern house spider, use this tactic to escape threats or increase survival odds. Whether it’s a way to deter predators or protect themselves during vulnerable phases, their ability to mimic death showcases their remarkable adaptability.


Q1: Can spiders die while playing dead?

No, spiders don’t die while playing dead. They stay motionless as long as the threat remains and resume movement when they feel safe.

Q2: Do all spiders play dead during the molting phase?

No, not all spiders use this tactic. Fragile spider species are more likely to play dead during the molting phase for added protection.

Q3: Why do male spiders play dead during mating?

Some male spiders fake death to avoid aggressive female spiders during the mating process, ensuring they have a better chance of survival.

Call Safe Pest Sol for Spider Infestation!

Having spider infestation at your place is not just irritating but it can be dangerous. If you are dealing with such infestation, call our pest control team now and let us help you.

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