How to Get Rid of Spiders in Car

Spiders in the car can be pretty intimidating and distracting, especially if one comes out when you’re driving. This blog provides information on how to get rid of spiders in a car and keep them from coming back with effective, natural remedies and easy preventive tips.

Whether it’s one spider or a bigger spider problem, everything you need is here so your vehicle can stay spider-free.

4 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Car

How Spiders Get Into a Car

Spiders are drawn to cars, especially during cold seasons, for warmth and shelter. They find their way into the car through very small openings, such as the gaps between the car doors, windows, and mirrors.

Moreover, car garages can be excellent places for spiders, especially if there is food such as insects or secluded areas where eggs can be laid. Once inside, spiders tend to build webs around areas such as vents, underneath seats, and side mirrors.

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In some cases, spiders may appear in the car through items a person brings there, like bags, jackets, or even boxes. Any item that may be put away in a garage or basement might have spiders with it, and hence, those spiders find their way to your car.

What You Can Do to Remove Spiders on Your Own

There are so many easy DIY ways to eliminate spiders in your car. Here are a few of the helpful options:

Vacuum Thoroughly:

Start by vacuuming thoroughly all seats, carpets, and even secret spaces like under seats or the glove compartment; remove spiders and their webs, as well as food crumbs and dust that attract other insects. Remember to clean up spider webs around mirrors, floor mats, and car doors.

Use Household Ingredients as Repellents:

Natural oils like peppermint and eucalyptus oil keep spiders away. Mix some drops of these oils with water in a spray bottle and spray around your car doors, seats, and other areas where spiders may hide. The pungent smell of these oils alone can keep spiders away from your vehicle.

Seal Gaps and Cracks:

Take a closer look at the car mirrors, vents, and doors. Seal or cover gaps that let spiders in when the car is stationary.

Use a Chlorine Bomb for a Deeper Clean:

Chlorine bombs, known as bug bombs, work very well in heavy infestations caused by spiders. The devices usually release chemicals that fill up the enclosed car and kill all the spiders or bugs trapped inside. If you are thinking about using them, make sure that you first know all the ways to use them to avoid any uncertain events.

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4 Ways to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Car

Here are other ways to deal with a spider problem in your car; these practical yet natural solutions will help you:

1.   Peppermint Oil Spray

Some of the most effective spider repellents is peppermint oil. Most of us love the scent, but spiders don’t. You can take some drops of it, mix it well with water, and spray it on car areas where spiders can be found. Spiders hate the smell, so they don’t come inside or stay inside your vehicle.

2.   Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in hidden places, such as under seats or floor mats. This powder is fatal for spiders and insects but safe for humans and pets. Use it in areas where spiders are known to walk so that they do not step back once treated.

3.   Use a Bug Bomb

You could use a bug bomb to kill spiders and bugs in your car. Such devices emit a fog that penetrates enclosed spaces, forcing bugs from all corners of the vehicle to surface. Always use it according to instructions, ensure that your car is closed during treatment, and open it after some time to purge the remaining fog.

4.   Clean and Organize Regularly

Regular cleaning is a simple yet important step. Spiders are drawn to food crumbs, dust, and clutter. Vacuuming your car interior, removing trash, and wiping down surfaces will discourage spider infestations. Plus, a clean vehicle makes it easier to spot spiders and webs.

What to Do to Keep Spiders Away from Your Car

Once you have cleared out the spiders, keeping them away involves a few preventive practices:

Use Peppermint or Eucalyptus Oil:

Spray peppermint or eucalyptus oil around car doors, seats, and private places to leave lingering scents that deter the spider for a long time.

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Park in a Clean Garage: 

A clean garage could reduce the chances of spider infestation. Sweep frequently to remove spider webs and other bugs that may attract other spiders.

Close Windows and Doors:

Never leave your windows or doors of your car open, especially in places where spiders are very active.

Vacuum Frequently:

Dust, webs, and other small insects that are spiders’ food can be removed from the car through cleanliness.

Use Car Odor Eliminators:

Some odor eliminators can deter spiders from stepping into a car as they do not like bad odors.

What to Do if You See a Spider While Driving

Here is how to handle it safely:

  1. Stay Calm: Try to stay calm and focus on driving.
  2. Find a Safe Spot to Pull Over: Pull over to a safe area if possible.
  3. Remove the Spider: Use a tissue or gently spray it with peppermint oil to remove it without crushing it.

Is Having Spiders in Your Car Dangerous?

Most spiders are harmless, and others, like the brown recluse or black widow, have a look that may make some people fear them. Such poisonous spiders will indeed require emergency treatments for their bites.

Other harmless spiders can also become life-threatening since they will attract your attention if you’re driving. Therefore, all measures to prevent spider infestation are very important.


By reading this guide, you will get the idea of how spiders can be gotten rid of a car and kept away once and for all. Using natural solutions such as peppermint oil and diatomaceous earth or making chlorine bombs, a clean, spider-free car is not in any way a hard task.

By following these steps and staying on top of regularly performing car maintenance procedures, you can comfortably sit without the fear of having spider jitters while riding.


1.What can I use to permanently keep spiders out of my car?

Using peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil regularly in a spray bottle around car doors and hidden spaces can help keep spiders away long-term. Regular vacuuming also reduces their presence.

2.Can having spiders in my car harm me?

While most spiders are harmless, some, like the black widow and brown recluse, are dangerous.

3.Are there other natural repellents besides peppermint oil?

Yes, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, and diatomaceous earth are all effective at repelling spiders without the need for chemicals.

Saw a Spider in Your Car? Call Professionals Now!

Many of us get panicked by seeing spiders in your car, which can be dangerous. In this situation, getting help from professional pest control services like safe pest sol is essential. So, call us today and book our services now!

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