What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly Best Tips and Strategies

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly: Best Tips and Strategies

Bedbugs are some of the most persistent household pests, causing bites, discomfort, and sleepless nights in your house. But there is good news for you. There are several methods to kill bedbugs quickly and ensure that they do not return anytime soon. This blog is full of tips about how to kill bed bugs and ways to prevent them from returning.

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly

Step-By-Step Process to Kill Bed Bugs

Step 1: Inspect All The Infested Areas

It is important to identify the exact hiding spots of bedbugs before going for any treatment. Bedbugs are very tiny and can hide in very small spaces. Such small little creatures can creep in between mattress seams, couch cushions, bed frames, headboards, and even behind electric plugs.

You might notice bites before the bugs themselves. Bedbugs breed fast, with the female laying hundreds of eggs during her lifetime. Their ability to go for months without feeding gives them the added advantage of being more difficult to eliminate.

To eliminate them, keep the light and magnifying glass ready, check all possible hiding places, including the baseboards, joints of furniture, and seams of wallpaper. Look out for live bugs, dark stains, or discarded skin. If you have doubts, collect samples in a sealed container and take them to an expert for proper identification.

Step 2: Don’t Let Infestation Spread Further

Once an infestation is confirmed, the next step is to prevent it from spreading. Start off by vacuuming all affected areas such as your bed, carpets, and furniture. Immediately seal the vacuum bag and dispose of this properly. You can also use a steam cleaner to kill all the hidden bugs in cracks and crevices.

Wash and clean all linens, clothes, and selected fabrics in hot water. Set dryer at a high heat setting for at least half an hour. For things that cannot be washed, place them in a tightly sealed plastic bag for several minutes to ensure the bugs are fully gone. To avoid future infestation, it’s best to throw it out. Mark it clearly with something like, “BED BUGS!” so that someone doesn’t take it.

Step 3: Prepare Yourself Before Treatment

Prepare your home before any treatment. Declutter your space to remove hiding areas for the bugs. Move furniture away from the walls strip beds, and clear out storage areas in the house where bugs could be hiding.

Wear gloves and a mask whenever you’re using chemicals. If you have chosen heat treatment, ensure to remove all heat-sensitive items nearby. These practices will ensure maximum treatment effectiveness.

Step 4: It’s Time to Kill Bed Bugs

Heat and cold treatments are among the best ways to kill bed bugs instantly. Since these pests cannot survive extreme temperatures, this makes choosing heat treatment much more reliable.

  • Wash all bedding and clothing in hot water for at least 30 minutes and then dry on high heat.
  • Steam-clean mattresses, furniture and cracks where bugs might be hidden.
  • Put infested objects in a black plastic bag and place them in the sun or a closed car on a hot day for a few hours.
  • If you choose freezing treatment, place infested items in the freezer at 0°F (-19°C) for at least four days.

Once the live bugs are eliminated, cover your mattress and box spring with bed bug-proof covers. This will trap any bug remaining inside, cut off their food source, and lead to their death.

Step 5: Try Non-Chemical and Chemical Treatments

If natural techniques can’t eliminate bed bugs, insecticides could help you. Select chemicals that have been registered for use against bed bugs by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  • Pyrethrins and pyrethroids: Used widely but may be ineffective against very strong bed bugs infestation.
  • Pyrroles (Chlorfenapyr): This chemical directly affects bed bugs’ cellular system.
  • Neonicotinoids: A nicotine-like chemical that attacks the nervous system, popular to use as traditional pesticide controls.
  • Desiccants: Some of the desiccants like silica aerogel and Diatomaceous earth destroy bed bug exoskeleton by drying it up. Buneeds need time to work.
  • Foggers: It kills bed bugs and exposed beg bugs but is ineffective for those hidden in cracks. Moreover, it may pose a potential danger in case of misuse.

Step 6: Be Always Prepared to Fight Future Infestation

Taking precautions for future infestations requires equal care and focus, like dealing with the current one. If you want to avoid any further infestation, always inspect your surroundings for any signs. Moreover, if you are staying in hotels or traveling, take the required measures to avoid bed bugs.

Using bug-covers for mattresses and pillows also help you keep such pests away. Also, decluttering prevents potential hiding areas for bed bugs. Be careful when bringing secondhand furniture and clothing.

Act as soon as possible if you notice any sign of bed bugs. The sooner bedbugs are suspected, the easier it will be to handle them.

Pro Tip: Contact Professionals

Call professionals if you have tried everything but can’t get rid of bed bug infestation. Pest control experts like Safe Pest Sol have years of experience and expertise in eliminating household pests. Moreover, they always come with the best-suited treatments for you.

In fact, they employ advanced methods such as heat treatment specific to a temperature that kills bed bugs on the spot. Getting services from experts might cost you, but they the provide best solution for the long term.


Eliminating bed bugs is a slow and painstaking process that needs patience. If you trust the process, you will soon control the bed bug population around your property. The key steps to eliminate them start with identifying the problem at an early stage, applying effective treatments and avoiding future re-infestation. Always remember, taking quick action will protect your house from such stubborn insects.


Q: What kills bed bugs instantly?

Heat treatment is the most effective method. In this process, you have to wash items in hot water and use steamers in infested areas. You can also apply high heat exposure for bedbugs.

Q: Can beg bugs die in cold temperatures?

No, they don’t. However, if temperatures drops below 0°F (-19°C) for four days, they die.

Q: Can I use home remedies to get rid of bugs?

A: Yes, many home treatments, like using diatomaceous earth and essential oils, are great for eliminating bed bugs.

Need Help? Safe Pest Sol is Here!

Need help from professionals to get rid of bed bugs? Don’t worry, we got you! Call us now for professional pest control services, and let us help you!



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