What Do the Yellow Jackets Eat

What Do the Yellow Jackets Eat

What Do the Yellow Jackets Eat? Yellow jackets are some of the most easily recognized insects because of their black stripes and aggressiveness. These social wasps are commonly mistaken for honey bees, but different diets and behaviors distinguish them. By understanding their feeding habits, we […]

How Long Ants Can Live

How Long Ants Can Live

How Long Do Ants Live: Lifecycle Analysis Ants are among the most interesting creatures on the earth because of their incredible adaptability to different environments. These ants are social insects that build a lively colony with thousands of members where each plays its part in […]

10 Most Common Indoor Flies

10 Most Common Indoor Flies

Different Types of Flies Common in Households Among all insects, flies are the most common in households all around the globe. These are known pests that quickly become a nuisance when they are in a large population. There are different fly types that can invade […]