Carpet Beetles in Bed

What You Should Know About Carpet Beetles in Bed

If you find pests in your bed, it becomes troublesome not knowing what to do with it. The most common pests in your bedroom are carpet beetles. These bugs can create several problems in your home. Unlike bed bugs which want blood to feed, carpet beetles invade for your bed and mattress.

If you want to know everything about carpet beetles, this blog is perfect for you. Start reading till the end to know how you can deal with such pests. Plus, we will also tell you some effective tips to fight and win with these bugs. Other than that, we will also talk about the most asked questions about carpet beetles to guide you.

Carpet Beetles in Bed

What Are Carpet Beetles?

The carpet beetles are small and oval shaped in size. These insects are destructive in nature, and affects wool, clothes, furniture, and other natural items. These pests are usually found in most parts of a house, but especially in bedrooms. The usual life cycle of carpet beetles are egg, larva, pupa, and adult carpet beetles.

These larvae stage of these insects feed on organic matter such as natural fibers and synthetic mattresses, making them most challenging to handle. Adult carpet beetles usually prefer to look for potted flowers or bird nests, but it is the larvae that might end up in your bedroom.

How Carpet Beetles Get Into My Bed

Normally, carpet beetles sneak their way into your bed from accidental hiding places like box springs, mattresses, and bedding. These insects get attracted to sheets, especially blankets. if the bed spreads or mattresses contain food crumbs, sweat, or pet hair, these insects may get attracted.

These insects may also creep from other sections of the house, such as furniture or carpets, and settle in your bedroom. There are some periods, especially the spring season, where they reproduce abundantly. This means that they might be more aggressive in entering your bed or sleeping space.

Are Carpet Beetles and Bed Bugs the Same?

Carpet beetles and bed bugs are entirely different pests. Both may find their way to your bed, but bed bugs feed on blood. They have been known to cause itchy bites due to feeding on human blood. Carpet beetles do not bite humans. Carpet beetle larvae have hair-like bristles that might cause some skin irritation.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles in Bed

1.   Thorough Cleaning

Vacuuming and washing your mattress, box springs, and bedroom will eliminate possible larvae and eggs present in these areas. Use a proper hot water solution, and wash all sheets, fabrics, and bedding to destroy possible pests.

2.   Use Insecticide Sprays

Apply insecticide sprays that specify killing carpet beetles by treating cracks, crevices, or box springs.

3.   Boric Acid Treatment

Spread boric acid on your mattress and carpets for any remaining adult bugs or larvae.

4.   Remove Food Sources

Clear your bed and area having crumbs or food stains that could encourage a new infestation.

5.   Professional Exterminators

If the infestation is quite severe, then consult with professional exterminators for permanent solutions.

How Do Carpet Beetles Look Like?

The small carpet beetles have oval bodies measuring 1/8 to 3/16 inches. They can be solid-dark colored or have white, black, yellow, or brown colored patterns of scales.


EggTiny, white, and oval-shaped0.35 mm
LarvaeHairy with dark bands4–5 mm
AdultOval-shaped with patterned scales2–3 mm

Why There Are Carpet Beetles in My Bed

Carpet beetles often look for organic materials, such as natural fabrics or pet hair, which is why they mainly invade the bed. If bedding is not cleaned often enough, it may be a suitable nesting area for their larvae. They might have come from other affected areas, such as furniture, carpets, or bird nests in your house.

Is Having Carpet Beetles in My Bed Dangerous?

Carpet beetles are not capable of biting. However, their larvae cause skin irritations, rashes, and even allergies from bristle brushing. They destroy bedding, clothes, or furniture. These pests can be annoying to have around in your home.

Symptoms of Having Carpet Beetles in Bed

  • Skin irritation or rashes caused by larvae bristles
  • Small holes in sheets, clothes, or mattresses
  • Sightings of larvae or adult carpet beetles near your bed

Do Carpet Beetles Live in Beds?

Most Carpet beetle not actually live on a bed but they can end up there if your mattress or bedding contains organic material or crumbs of food. They can be generally found in carpets, along with furniture, and in other areas of the house.

How Do Carpet Beetles Spread?

Natural fibres, bird nests and places from the outdoors are ways through which carpet beetles infest the room. They lay eggs just any where and the larvae feed by moving in search for food, sometimes finding beds, and fabrics.

Places Where Carpet Beetles Live in Home

1.   Carpets and Rugs

The majority of the natural fiber can be found in beds and rugs. These places can become a source of comfort for the larvae.

2.   Furniture

These bugs can live in cushions and upholsteries of furniture.

3.   Closets

Stored seasonal clothes can become a target area of infestation.

Do Carpet Beetles Fly?

Yes, adult carpet beetles fly. They can even enter your house through open doors or windows and are attracted to light.

Carpet Beetles: Dietary Habits

Carpet beetles feed on various materials depending on their stage of life.

LarvaeNatural fibers, pet hair
AdultsPollen, potted flowers

How Long Do Carpet Beetles Live?

The lifespan of carpet beetles differs from some weeks to several months, depending on conditions. Up to a year for the larvae stage is the most damaging part of its life cycle.


Having to deal with carpet beetles in bed can be annoying. But when you know what behaviors to look for and follow the right steps to eliminate them, you can handle them easily. Unlike bed bugs, carpet beetles are more fabric-oriented than human blood.

Be it using hot water or calling in professional exterminators, all of above mentioned methods are effective enough to help avoiding these pests in your bed. Just don’t forget to keep everything clean throughout your home in order to avoid future outbreaks.


1.How do I identify carpet beetles in my bed?

Look for small holes in the fabric, larvae, or adult carpet beetles around your bedding mattress.

2.Can carpet beetles cause health issues?

While they don’t bite, their presence may lead to skin irritation, rashes, or allergies due to larvae bristles.

3.How do I know if I have carpet beetles in my bed?

Some major signs include larvae, small beetles, or tiny holes in the fabric, such as bedsheets, mattresses, or clothing. Feeling shed skin might also be a sign, while unusual skin irritation from their bristles can be considered a sign as well.

Our Experts Are Just a Call Away!

Have you tried all the ways but can’t get rid of carpet beetles? Don’t worry! We are professionals. We know all the ways to get rid of all types of bugs from your house. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get connected with us now!



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