7 Bugs Similar to Termites

7 Bugs That Look Like Termites

Termites are infamous for damaging homes and buildings without being detected until the damage is severe. But did you know several other insects look like termites? Understanding these insects is the first step in early termite identification and infestation.

In this article, we will discuss seven bugs similar to termites and the key differences that make them unique. So, let’s start!

7 Bugs That Look Like Termites

7 Bugs Similar to Termites

When we talk about termites, many people think that these insects damage wood. However, there are a few bugs that look very similar to termites.

Here are 7 bugs that have the most resemblance to termites:

1.   Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are large ants, but people often confuse them with termites because they have similar body shapes. Carpenter ants, unlike termites, do not eat wood but nest in woods. They can carry a red body and are large, usually about half an inch in length.

2.   Acrobat Ants

These small ants have a unique appearance. Their red body and bent abdomen often make them look similar to termite swarmers, especially when they are flying. They can also be found in wood structures.

3.   Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are one of the termites that have similar physical features to subterranean termites. These creatures live inside dry wood and may cause major damages.

4.   Beetles

Some beetles, such as powderpost beetles looks like termite larvae because of their small size and body shape. But, these insects leave powdery wood behind but termites leave mud tubes.

5.   Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are from bee species, but still, people get confused and consider them termites. This is because termites and carpenter bees have similar nesting and dietary habits. These bees resemble large household beetles with bright, shiny black bodies.

6.   Old House Borers

These beetles also looks like termites because theyinfest the wood by boring inside it. Although both termites and old house borers have different hole digging activities, they look quite similar.

7.   Swarmers (Formosan Termites)

Swarmers are a type of termite that can be mistaken for other flying insects. These termite species can often be found around lights or windows and look similar to ants or other flying insects.

Things You Must Know About Bugs Similar to Termites

Knowing the behavior and features of bugs that look similar to termites can help you recognize them and avoid infestations. Here are some critical differences:

1.   Appearance

Bug TypeAntennaeWaist ShapeWingsExoskeleton
TermitesStraightBroadEqual size wingsSoft body
Carpenter AntsElbowedPinchedNo wings (worker ants)Soft body
BeetlesStraightNarrowNo wings (hard wings)Hard exoskeleton

2.   Places to Live

Bug TypeNesting HabitatFeeding Behavior
TermitesInside wood (drywood termites)Feed on and consume wood
Carpenter AntsInside wood (galleries)Create galleries, don’t consume wood
BeetlesWood, other organic matterLay eggs in wood or debris

3.   Lifecycle

Bug TypeLifecycle TypeReproductive SystemStages of Development
TermitesIncompleteQueen-led colonyEgg → Nymph → Adult
Carpenter AntsCompleteQueen-led colonyEgg → Larvae → Pupa → Adult
BeetlesCompleteLay eggs in wood/debrisEgg → Larvae → Pupa → Adult

4.   Behavior

Bug TypeSocial StructureDamage PotentialBehavior Pattern
TermitesLarge colonies, socialHigh (wood damage)Constantly consume wood
Carpenter AntsSmaller coloniesModerate (wood galleries)Live in wood, not consume
BeetlesSolitary or small groupsLow (small holes)Create holes for larvae

5.   Bites

Bug TypeBites Humans?Biting Potential
TermitesNoNo biting threat
Carpenter AntsYes (rare)May cause irritation
BeetlesYes (rare)May cause irritation


Knowing these features helps distinguish between bugs that look like termites and the actual termites. Now, let’s get into their behavior and infestation patterns.

Termites and Similar-Looking Bugs: Deep Comparison

If you want to understand the difference between termites and the bugs that resemble them, you can compare their eating habits, living habits, mechanisms, and bites.

1.   Eating Habit

Termites eat wood, digesting it for nourishment. On the other hand, carpenter ants do not feed on wood but create their nests by using it, while beetles like powderpost beetles also infest wood, but much slower than termites.

2.   Places to Live

Termites like dry wood termites can infest almost every other part of your house, such as walls, attics, and furniture. Carpenter bees and ants nest mostly in wood beams and windowsills. But they do not infest homes as much as termites.

3.   Mechanism

Termites make tunnels in the wood and leave droppings behind as evidence of their presences. Beetles and carpenter bees have a smaller hole, and ants typically have trail marks.

4.   Difference in Bites

While termites do not bite human beings but other insects like beetles or carpenter ants may bite. Carpenter ants can bite, causing irritation, while beetles hardly bite humans and may instead damage your property.

Do Termites Bite?

Termites do not bite humans or animals. They can damage wood by eating, which causes damage to your house. So, termites don’t bite, but carpenter ants and beetles may bite if they get irritated.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Signs of termite infestation are mud tubes, damage on wood, or seeing termite wings around window or door spaces. Moreover, carpenter ants damage wood, but identifying their nests is much easier.

Dangers of Having Termites in Your Home

These underground insects eat wood, causing damage to your house and its structures. Damages that termites make can be expensive to repair. Termites are high-cost home demolishers compared to carpenter ants and beetles, which also destroy wood.


Termites are one of the most serious wood-destroying insects. This is why we have mentioned 7 types of bugs similar to termites you should know about. With our guide, you can act early to protect your home by understanding differences in their appearance, behavior, and patterns of damage. So, always look for signs of these pests and take action to prevent long-term damage.


1.What are the bugs that look like termites?

There are 7 bugs looking like termites, including carpenter ants, acrobats ants, dry wood termites, beetles, carpenter bees, old house borers, and swarmers. Although they may look similar to termites, their behavior and damage patterns are dissimilar.

2. How can I tell the difference between termites and ants?

The main difference between termites and ants lies in their antennae and body shape. Termites have straight antennae and a broad waist, while ants have bent antennae and a pinched waist.

3. How do I prevent termite infestations in my home?

To prevent termite infestations, regularly inspect your home for signs of damage, keep wood away from your foundation, and seal any cracks in walls or windows. Consider professional termite inspection services to catch infestations early.

Get Our Best Solution for Termites!

Termites may look small, but they can ruin your furniture, walls and what not. If you are dealing with termite infestation, we got you!

Call our professionals right away, and let us make your place free from termites!

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