How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House?

Bed bugs are one of the most stubborn household pests. These tiny insects thrive by taking blood primarily from a human host. While they need to feed, they survive in empty houses for a pretty long period. Homeowners and prospective buyers always get confused about whether an infested empty house still has bed bugs after treatment.

This is why it becomes important to understand how long these parasites may live without a host and what factors control bed bugs’ survival in an empty house.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House

How Long Bed Bugs Survive in an Empty House?

People are usually very much concerned about how long bed bugs will survive in an empty house. Bed bugs are a kind of pests that are not usually limited to being on beds and furniture; they also hide in various places like cracks in the wall, crevices on the floor, electrical outlets, rugs, and even behind wallpapers or ceiling fixtures.

Since bed bugs can go months without feeding, they can still stay for long in empty houses easily. However, if pest control has been done in a home before, the chances of their survival become much less.

How Long Bugs Can Live Without Food in an Empty House?

Bed bugs can survive several months in the absence of a host. Temperature and humidity are some of the factors which affect bed bugs survival. The average adult bed bug can survive without feeding for about three to five months. However, in exceptional circumstances, they can go without host blood for as long as 400 days.

They often mate throughout their life span, which is about 10 months to one year, leading to the production of newer generations even when the house remains empty. Although they mostly suck human blood, they are not entirely dependent on it. If other animals, such as rodents or pets, are found in the area, an empty house can sustain them well.

How Long Bed Bugs Can Live Without a Host in an Empty House?

Bed bugs feed on blood to survive. However, their life expectancy becomes lower if they can’t find a host for feeding. Moreover, nymphs or young bed bugs may survive for weeks without blood, but adults can survive up to 135 days in optimum surroundings. They dry out when the food source is depleted because they get their moisture from blood meals.

Most importantly, humans are not the only source of food for the species. They can survive even for months if there is any stray animal in an empty house. Extreme temperatures can also affect their temporal fate.

If the house will be less than 25°F for more than three weeks or at least above 113°F, bed bugs will die. However, having high temperatures may allow them to survive.

Factors That Influence Bed Bug Survival

1.   Temperature

There are ranges of temperatures where bed bugs survive. However, they are sensitive to extreme cold or heat temperatures, leading to death. If the temperature is below 25°F or above 119°F, bed bugs will not survive. However, their eggs are much tougher and can survive up to 130°F before being destroyed.

2.   Humidity

Bed bugs live well in very humid environments. Having 75% or more humidity encourages their survival. In comparison, less than 15% humidity would kill them within hours. Their needs are moisture, which means dry conditions shorten their lifespan.

3.   Age

Bed bugs become most active if they find several hosts. Even in empty houses, they will use furniture, beds, and many hidden spots to wait for their next meal. Old bed bugs manage to linger for a longer time than the younger ones, but their life is time-limited without any food.

Ways to Eliminate Bed Bugs in an Empty House

1.   Seal the Box Spring and Mattress in a Plastic Cover

Having an unsealed mattress left in the house could become a source through which bed bugs find their way into empty houses. This is why sealing box springs and mattresses in a plastic covering ensures that they remain trapped inside, preventing them from escaping and feeding.

Moreover, high heat temperatures also kill them within a few months, after which the mattress should be vacuumed well.

2.   Vacuum Your Home for a Few Days

Another source of getting rid of bed bugs and their eggs is regular vacuuming. Pay close attention to carpets, baseboards, molding, and all the other probable hiding spots. The vacuum bag should be disposed of immediately into an outdoor trash bin to avoid giving bed bugs the opportunity to crawl back into the house.

3.   Steam Your House

Steaming is a very reliable and efficient method for eliminating both bed bugs and eggs. The high-temperature steam can get into the deepest parts of fabrics, carpets, and furniture in which bed bugs tend to hide. This method should be repeated for a few days to guarantee complete elimination.

4.   Wash Soft Items in Warm Water

Wash every washable item in hot water, including clothing, curtains, and bedding, and dry it on high heat. Since extreme heat is unbearable for bed bugs, this is a very simple yet effective technique. Some things are not machine washable. Therefore, they should be sealed in plastic bags for several weeks to suffocate any bed bugs inside.


It may take even months for bed bugs to die inside an empty house. Many factors affect the survival time of bugs, including temperature, humidity, and the food sources that are available.

Leaving the house empty may help you get rid of them, but it does not guarantee a complete solution. If you want to get rid of them, you must have to apply other pest control treatments, like cleaning and heat exposure.

If a home has sat empty for a long time, an inspection should be done before moving in for signs of infestation.


Do bed bugs live in an empty house for a year?

If the conditions are perfect, bed bugs can go as long as a year without feeding. However, in reality, they have a shorter lifespan.

Will bed bugs die if a house is unoccupied?

Bed bugs may die due to starvation if there is no food source for moths. If there are any stray animals in the home, they may live longer, from weeks to even months.

Can I use freeze treatment to kill bed bugs?

Yes, you can. In fact, freeze treatment of below 25°F is very effective in killing them in under 3 weeks. However, it is important to maintain the same temperature.

Keep your empty home safe from bugs with Safe Pest Sol

Think twice before shifting into your empty home again… What if bed bug infestation is waiting for you? If you want a solution, just call Safe Pest Sol and let them help you with their expert pest control services.


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